Oh, here, there, and everywhere. (Yes, we do travel a lot. And yes, I always pack too much.)
Our latest voyage was closer to home.

On a wildlife-filled ranch in west Marin county this past weekend, Mikhail’s sister Sara tied the knot with Renee.
Well technically, they got married a year ago, back when same-sex marriage was (briefly) legal in California. This past weekend was their community wedding, and it was a gorgeous location, heart-tugging ceremony, and rockin‘ party.
Rock climbing after the ceremony
Elan was as crazily energetic as I’ve ever seen him — the entire weekend long. He trailed after his older cousins, shouting “Mama, I’m wunning!” as he trotted by at the end of the line of 4- and 5-year-olds. He was never in one place for longer than a few seconds, and I was constantly looking for him, always losing him in the minute I had my back turned. He has no fear about wandering off on his own lately.
With his cousin Rowan, getting ready for the walk down the aisle
With his Auntie Sara
And then came the party. Sara & Renee had two babysitters hanging with the kids in a room next door to the “Boogie Barn.” Elan was a big fan of the kids’ room, filled as it was with his cousins running in circles and then falling down on soft blankets on the floor. We parents definitely took advantage; I noticed that as the party went on later into the night, the parents of young children were disproportionately represented on the dance floor (we WILL NOT miss out on a night out!).
Finally at ten we retrieved our so-tired boy and I gave him one last chance to go dance. He decided he was game, and the next hour was spent boogying down on the dance floor dressed in his fuzzy blue, polar bear-covered, footed sleeper.
Dancing in the barn with Grandma Karen
Turns out those plasticy foot bumps are perfect for late-night dance parties in lantern-filled barns. Who knew?