Emry, October 2012

Hi there.

Come on in.

Pull up a chair and take a seat.

Oh, you say there’s no chair there?


Well, here, have some tea.

Um, never mind, can’t find the tea.

Chocolate peanut butter ice cream?

I can find that, it’s the only thing in the freezer!

Now if I can just find two spoons…

Moving my blog reminds me an awful lot of moving house. The furniture is rearranged. Nothing is where I expect it to be. Everything takes three times as long as it used to, if you can find it or figure it out at all.

But you know that, once you’re settled, the move will have been worth it.

Or at least you hope that.

I’d really like to have everything all shiny and cleaned up before I invite folks over to my new online abode, but I fear that, if I wait for that moment, it that will never happen. So, instead, I’m doing what I do in my real home – throw a few dishes in the dishwasher, run a rag over the countertop, and open the door wide.

Come on in! Poke around. Please ignore the fact that not everything is perfectly set up yet. We’re all friends here.