My sister’s BFF Kristina published our family pancake recipe on her blog today. The recipe comes from Mikhail’s family and includes our own slight variation in flour types and ratios. Kristina mentions that these pancakes are a staple food for Elan, and it’s true. In fact, I made a batch two mornings ago, and he just finished the last one with his dinner tonight. He doesn’t like syrup (uck! sticky!) so I don’t have to worry about the sugar. We make them with Strauss European style plain whole milk yogurt (or the Trader Joe’s equivalent) because I’m too lazy to stock buttermilk. Now you can have the recipe and I don’t have to type it out. And Kristina even has lovely pancake photos to inspire you (though is that banana I see lurking inside? that would never fly in my house!).
Artsy pancake photo courtesy of Kristina