I’m halfway through my 3-week goal of writing Morning Pages 5 days a week, and I wanted to share my progress. I’ve done it! I’ve done my 10 minutes of “brain drain” writing 8 days. It hasn’t always been in the morning, and I’m okay with that. Doing morning pages sometime during the day is a habit/practice that reminds me that I’m a writer. It’s especially important on the days when that’s the only writing I do, and my little guy is clinging to my leg all day.

I’m a fan of achievable goals, and 5 days a week for 3 weeks feels very achievable. There’s room for flexibility there, for a day when I just don’t get to it or I forget or it gets overshadowed. Achievable goals help keep the perfectionist in me from getting too obsessive over something. Deciding I will do something everyday never works for me; I end up falling off the wagon and then feeling too bad about myself to get back on in a timely manner.
I’m curious to see, at the end of this short experiment, if I feel like it’s benefitted me as a writer. I’ll let you know.