I have been remiss. I thought I would keep up the blog while in San Diego, but I ended up using Elan’s naptime to do the sorts of things I normally don’t get to, like a haircut. It was a great trip, and Elan got to bask in the glory of being the only child with up to 5 (!) adults at a time. Lucky kid.

Now we’re back to reality. The list of “to dos” is long, very long; the suitcases are spilling masses of clothing across every inch of floor space; the kitchen is crowded with dishes; nursery school is closed for spring break for the week (sigh); and Elan’s stuck with just plain old Mama. Plain old tired Mama, I should say. Somehow I ended up wearing myself out more over our week away than I manage to in an average week at home. 
And so, on this rainy northern California day, here’s some southern California beach glory.
Elan loves the water. If you take this child to the beach, you better be ready to get wet, no matter the temperature (water or air). He was in heaven when we found these pools left by the retreating tide. For once, he could go in (almost) by himself, and I stripped him down so he could get fully soaked.
Yes, he was cold, in that chilly April breeze, but he didn’t let that ruin the fun.

He still managed to give Mama plenty of saucy toddler looks, even though she did a brilliant job balancing cell phone, camera, towel, and hand-holding (if I do say so myself).

I swear someone’s stretching my child. In our week+ away, it seemed like his arms and legs just lennnnnnngthened. Like another six inches. Mikhail says this is what it looks like when you add height to the gene pool.