In the country, there are dirt roads and muddy puddles perfect for stomping.
A wooden swing at Grandma’s house.
A barn full of baby goats.

Who turn riotous when we enter.

They’re looking for milk.

Elan tries feeding them hay, but they prefer the real thing.

This makes me glad I have only one baby.

And look, here he is (with his handsome Dada).

There are other adventures to be found in the country, too — like rock-hopping in the creek.

He was fearless about climbing over the rocks and wading through the water. It was just the right size creek for him. I watched him, marveling over how big and grown-up he seems, and remembering how, as a kid, I was also fascinated with creeks (they were such a novelty to this desert-grown girl).
Eventually, he did fall in and get sopping wet. But I don’t have a picture of that. Mikhail and I had snuck off for a quick visit with the redwoods, just the two of us, a date in the country.